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Throughout or reseach on physical activity, we found a huge amount of information in books and online. Here are some of the more useful sites and resourses we recommend checking out.

Here you will find a copy of the old HPE curriculum. This gives a more in depth explanation of HPE and what needs to be covered to ensure optimal leaning in this subject.


Click on the image to go to the site for more info.

This site gives you a range of traditional maori movement games and activities such as poi and stick games.


Click on the image to go to the site for more info.

Australian Sports Commission. (2001). Give it a go: Including people with physical difficulties in sport and physical activity by the Australian Sports Commission.Belconnen, A.C.T: Australian Sports Commission.

This manual gives teachers of students with physical disabilities practical suggestions for the challenges they may face in providing an inclusive physical education programme.


Check out your local library to view this book.

The Sport and Disability section of this website has more information about events happening for those with disabilities and contact details for those who can offer support for inclusion of students with disabilities in sport.


Click on the Sport Waikato to view the site for more details.

On the TKI website, you find find more detail about the physical activity KAL as well as a range of ideas to help with lessons, units and various other activities.


Click on the image to go to the site for more info.

The Sportnz website is a great place to find activities related to fundamental physical activity skills. On this site, you will find plenty of icebreaker ideas as well as ideas for you to develop into lessons or units.


Click on the image to go to the site for more info.

Physical Disability Service

The Physical Disability Service provides physiotherapists and occupational therapists to work with children and teachers at school.


Click on the wheelchair image for more information on this.

Their mission is to enhance the lives of physically disabled New Zealanders by enabling them to participate in sport and recreation.


Click on the Halberg image to view their site for more information.


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